Volunteer Staff Opportunities
Summer Camp Volunteer Positions
Camp Worker

Workers are the lifeblood of Story Book Lodge. These individuals have less interaction with campers and more focus on the day-to-day workings of camp. They serve in the kitchen, complete projects (including painting, moving wood, window washing, etc.), and keep camp running smoothly for the campers and counselors.
Specific work assignments depend on age, experience, and needs for each week. Sometimes workers are given larger-scale projects that require a complete week's focus while other projects only take an hour. Workers will be assigned a staff member to report to at the beginning of each week and will be informed of any specific changes to their schedule.
The minimum age for helping as a camp worker is 14.
Junior Counselor

Junior Counselors at SBL assist the Senior Counselor during the week. They help guide camper activities, lead sports teams, referee sports competitions, sit with campers during Bible teaching times, and help run the cabins at night. Junior Counselors also are assigned different chores around camp to help the workers (washing dishes, cleaning bathrooms, sweeping the gym, chapel cleaning, etc.) The camp director will provide the list of chores for each week. When Junior Counselors don’t have work assignments or other responsibilities, they are expected to spend time getting to know their campers and helping them have a great week.
Junior Counselors report to their Senior Counselors and the camp director.
The minimum age for a junior counselor is 14.
Senior Counselor

Senior Counselors are the leaders of each cabin. These individuals provide guidance for campers, lead cabin discussions, help run activities around camp, and spend time with campers. Senior Counselors lead cabin devotions each evening before bed. This provides an excellent opportunity for discussions about Bible messages, meal devotions, and general questions on the camper's mind. Senior Counselors should be confident in their ability to share the Gospel with campers of all ages and be comfortable starting difficult conversations.
Senior Counselors report to the camp director.
Things to Expect as an SBL Volunteer
Counselor's Meeting
Counselor’s meeting happens each morning at 7:00 am. This meeting provides a time for counselors and camp staff to share cabin prayer requests, make announcements, and spend time discussing different Bible passages.
Each counselor's meeting is structured as the following:
- Devotion from the Word
- Daily announcements
- Cabin reports (quick updates on how things are going for each cabin, usually delivered by each Senior Counselor)
- Prayer requests
- Time in prayer
Counselors and workers are expected to attend this meeting each morning.
General work & responsibility expectations
- First and foremost, each staff member should be ready to point the campers to Christ. Whether you are serving in the kitchen, as a worker, as a camper, as a speaker, or in some other role at camp, the focus should be to show the love of Christ and the way of salvation to those at camp each week!
- Staff members are expected to look out for the safety of campers and each other.
- Staff members are expected to come with a wiliness to serve.
- Staff members are expected to listen to the authority of the camp director and other permanent staff.
- All staff members must be flexible & ready to cover duties outside of the norm in case of sickness in the cabin, an emergency, etc.
Sharing the Gospel
Story Book Lodge Christian Camp expects all volunteers to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Volunteers should be prepared to share the Gospel and how they have been impacted by this wonderful news! There are options for large group sharing and small group sharing of the Gospel.
The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ should be shared in a clear way. It should be emphasized that it is a free gift that must be received by each soul who recognizes their sinful state before God. Romans 6:23. God’s salvation is not gained by human works. Ephesians 2:8,9. The gospel is a result of God’s love for sinful man. John 3:16. Campers should be urged to trust the Lord but never coerced or forced to “pray the prayer".
Staff Guidelines
The purpose of Story Book Lodge is to share the gospel with every camper that attends. To ensure that this goal is met, our staff is expected to adhere to the following guidelines.
“Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” – 1st Corinthians 10:31
- Staff members should follow the instruction of those in authority!
- Staff members may go off campgrounds by permission only & only with a senior counselor
- Staff members should attend all chapel meetings unless excused beforehand by the director.
- Staff members should keep their living area clean & help with the cabin when not on work duty.
- Staff members should bring all problems/complaints to their senior counselor or camp director. Don’t discuss complaints with others or gossip with others to arouse dissension.
- Staff members should be willing to put the needs of the campers before their own personal desires.
- Staff members should build up their senior counselors in every way & always seek to pull campers to follow their senior counselors.
- Staff-Camper boyfriend/girlfriend relationships are not allowed.
- The Lodge should be used for devotional times with staff members & for quiet visits.
- Staff curfew is the same as the camper curfew. Do not leave your rooms after curfew.
- Staff members should not encourage their friends to call them at camp.
- Staff members should dress modestly at all times.
- Absolutely no girls allowed in boys’ rooms & no boys allowed in girls’ rooms.
- Staff members should work harmoniously together whenever asked, even if it means unscheduled work.
- Staff members should plan to work through Saturday morning assignments on the last day of each camp.
The bottom line is: Be Careful! Your example will speak volumes more to your campers than anything you say.